Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Intial observations

Right off the bat I noticed much activity going on. Lots if small swirling round discs were there. Along with a few little guys that looked like small worms. Im intially thinking that these are flat-worms of some kind. Also i think the small swirling discs have flagella propelling them across the water. The way they move seems to indicate this. Plus I think I can see the flagella itself behind and around the discs. I also noticed what appeared to be a water flea type thing. There was somewhere around 3 or 4 of them in the tank. They were very hard to center in on and look at since they like to move around the tank so quickly. I also noted that inside of Plant B ( the carniverous one), that you could see the cells breaking down the organisims it captured. Very interesting!

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