Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Didn't get to the lab this week since I've had a sinus infection for the past week. Cnat wait to see whats going on!

Intial observations

Right off the bat I noticed much activity going on. Lots if small swirling round discs were there. Along with a few little guys that looked like small worms. Im intially thinking that these are flat-worms of some kind. Also i think the small swirling discs have flagella propelling them across the water. The way they move seems to indicate this. Plus I think I can see the flagella itself behind and around the discs. I also noticed what appeared to be a water flea type thing. There was somewhere around 3 or 4 of them in the tank. They were very hard to center in on and look at since they like to move around the tank so quickly. I also noted that inside of Plant B ( the carniverous one), that you could see the cells breaking down the organisims it captured. Very interesting!


So we set up our MicroAquariums by getting the already glued together pieces of glass, the base and the top for it. After getting these we then added our color-coded stickers to designate which aquarium was ours. My colors were orange, blue, and blue(from top to bottom). We then added in our water samples. Adding in from the bottom of the containers 1st, then the middle and then the top. My water source was #10, being from the water pool below a natural spring in Lynnhurst Cemetery off of Adair Drive in Knox Co, TN. The water was in partial shade. It was at teh following latitude and longitudinal coordinates: N36 01.357 W83 55.731 958 ft. And was collected on 10/12/2009. We then added in some plants for decoration in our aquariums. I put in both plants A and B. Plant A was Amblystegium varium. While Plant B was a carnivorous plant.